Chino Car Accident Lawyer

Chino Car Accident Lawyer

Best Chino Car Accident Lawyer

Chino Car Accident Attorneys

Being involved in a car accident can be a devastating catastrophe, a minor inconvenience, or something in between. They can happen at any time to anybody, and they often result in mild to serious injuries for those involved. If you have been injured in a car accident, you may want to pursue a car accident claim and hold the responsible party liable for your damages. A Chino car accident lawyer can help you develop your case and pursue damages from the right parties.

What to Do When You Are in a Car Accident

A car accident can result in all sorts of serious injuries, from whiplash to broken bones and even death. When you are in a car accident, it is important to take the necessary steps to protect not only yourself but your future case. It is vital that you do what you must to protect your health and take precautions to preserve evidence you can use in your claim. Here are some important steps you can take in the immediate aftermath of a car accident:

  • Stay Calm: As soon as an accident happens, regardless of how severe it may be, your first instinct may be to panic. Whatever you do, try not to do so. Panicking only serves to make the situation worse. Do whatever you can to try to calm your mind, refocus yourself on the issue at hand, and assess your situation.
  • Check for Injuries: Immediately following an accident, you should check yourself for any obvious injuries you may have sustained. Do the same for any other passengers who may be in the vehicle with you. If you are too injured to move, do not attempt to do so. Call 911 from your car and wait for the paramedics to arrive. If you are not injured but someone else in the car is, do not move them. Wait for the paramedics.
  • Do Not Flee the Scene: Whatever you do, do not attempt to flee the scene of an accident. Fleeing the scene of an accident in California can land you in serious legal trouble. If the other driver has fled the scene or attempted to flee the scene, notify the police when you reach out.
  • Call 911: Once you have confirmed that you are not seriously injured, call 911 as soon as you can. You will want law enforcement and paramedics to come to the scene. Police will block the scene of the accident and ensure that a valid police report is made about the accident. This will be helpful for your personal records and your insurance claim.
  • Move Your Vehicle: If you are physically able to do so and the police have given you permission, try to move your vehicle to the side of the road. The last thing you want to do is accidentally cause another accident because your car was in the middle of oncoming traffic. If you are too injured to do so or if your car is too damaged to move, don’t bother trying to move it.
  • Document the Scene: Now that the police have arrived and paramedics have given you the all-clear, you can start documenting the scene of the accident. Be sure to write down or photograph all relevant information, such as the license plate number of all vehicles involved in the accident, the model information of those vehicles, and the damage sustained by all vehicles involved.

Take photos of your injuries, the state of the road, any property damage that occurred, and the injuries of any passengers. Be sure to speak to any witnesses who may have seen the accident occur and are willing to help provide you with evidence.

  • Exchange Insurance Information: You will need to get certain information from the other drivers involved in the accident. Police may be willing to help you if the other driver is belligerent and uncooperative. Try to get their driver’s license info, their vehicle’s identification number (VIN), their registration, and their insurance information, as well as how to contact them if necessary.
  • Never Admit Fault: Throughout this entire process, you should try your hardest never to admit fault of any kind for the accident. Once you admit fault, it can potentially damage your chances of recouping anything from the insurance company. Even if you were in the wrong, do not admit it. Even apologizing can be considered admitting fault.
  • Make a Record: Once everything is settled and you are able to go home, write down everything you can remember about the accident, regardless of importance. You should have a record of the entire event, and it should be as fresh as practically possible. Personal injury cases can take a long time to settle, and the details may start to fade from your memory over time. Having a written record helps preserve those details.
  • Report the Accident: Under California state law, you need to report any car accident to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within ten days if someone was killed in the accident, someone was seriously hurt, or property damage exceeded $1,000. Make the report anyway, even if you are unaware of these details.
  • Call Your Insurance: You will have to notify your insurance company about the accident, as most insurance holders require drivers to do so in order to move forward with an insurance claim. The other driver will likely be reporting it to their insurance company, which can put you at risk of losing your license or your car insurance if you fail to report the same accident.
  • See a Doctor: Even if you were cleared by the paramedics at the scene of the accident, you should go see a doctor anyway. There could be deeper injuries you did not notice at the time. In addition, having a valid medical record of your injuries can only help your case when the time comes to file a claim.
  • Consult with a Lawyer: Once you have reported the accident to your insurance carrier, you should retain the services of a car accident lawyer who can help you start to build a case to recoup damages for the accident. A car accident lawyer can preserve your rights and make sure you aren’t taken advantage of by the liable party’s insurance company.


Q: How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge in California?

A: There is no telling how much a car accident lawyer will charge in California. Lawyers’ fees are constantly shifting depending on a number of significant factors. A lawyer’s fee will be dependent on how difficult your case is, their current availability and caseload, their education and popularity, their experience handling cases like yours, their negotiation skills, and how many resources they will need to devote to your case, among other factors.

Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in California?

A: There is no telling what the average settlement is for a car accident in California. Each case has different circumstances surrounding it, and those circumstances will determine the settlement amount. When trying to reach a settlement, certain factors will have to be taken into consideration, such as your lawyer’s negotiation abilities, the amount of evidence that points to negligent behavior, the severity of your injuries, and both parties’ willingness to compromise.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident in California?

A: Technically, you do not need to hire a lawyer to deal with the aftermath of a car accident in California. It is perfectly legal to attempt to manage everything on your own. However, it is highly recommended that you retain the services of an experienced lawyer. Having someone on your side who understands the ins and outs of car accident law can only benefit your case.

Q: How Much Can Someone Sue for a Car Accident in California?

A: There is no real limit on how much you can sue someone for a car accident in California. However, the amount you are pursuing in damages should reflect everything you’ve been through since your accident. Your medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, property damages, pain and suffering, and various emotional losses should all be considered when you and your lawyer arrive at a number that you feel is appropriate.

Reach Out to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

The sudden shock and possible lasting trauma of a car accident can cause significant distress and complications in your life. You may also be dealing with legalities that you were not prepared to handle, which could make you feel even more overwhelmed. You will want to speak with a lawyer who can bring you peace of mind and give you time to focus on your recovery.

The legal team at Belgum, Fry & Van Allen is prepared to provide you with the help you need to fight for the damages you deserve. We can assist in building your case by conducting our own investigation, gathering the necessary evidence that supports your claim, and helping you negotiate with the insurance companies. Contact us to speak with one of our team members and schedule a consultation as soon as you can.

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