Articles by: Garrett Fry

Author Archives: Garrett Fry

Common Types of Car Accidents in California (2024)

Car accidents are a leading cause of accidental injuries and…

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Los Angeles Car Accident Statistics 2024 – Traffic Fatalities

Los Angeles County has a negative reputation when it comes…

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2024 Is Lane Splitting Legal in California?

Most motorcyclists understand lane splitting as a means of potentially…

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What Are Your Chances of Dying in a Car Crash in California? 2024

Every day, car accidents occur throughout the country. While some…

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California Car Accident Statistics 2024 – Traffic Fatalities CA

The state has a relatively poor reputation when it comes…

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California Elder Abuse Laws 2024 – All You Need to Know

When your loved ones begin to age, you are presented…

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Is California a No-Fault State for Car Accidents? 2024

Car accidents happen every day throughout the state, and despite…

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What to Do After a Car Accident That Was Not Your Fault in California

Car accidents are a leading cause of accidental injuries and…

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Case Study: Elderly Woman Involved in Auto Accident

A significant number of California residents and visitors are injured…

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The Two Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most serious types of…

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