Articles by: Garrett Fry

Author Archives: Garrett Fry

Securing a Settlement for a Disabled Woman Who Suffered Horrible Injuries on a Dangerous City Sidewalk

Our client, bound to a wheelchair most of her life…

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Attorney Spotlight: Garrett Fry

Don’t overlook the person in personal injury attorney. This person should be someone…

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How to Give Effective Deposition Testimony: The 10-Step Guide

If you are a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit,…

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What to Expect in Mediation

Many personal injury cases go through mediation prior to—and, ideally,…

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Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Probate

When someone dies with only a will or without a…

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Will vs. Living Trust Pt. 3 – Minor Children

When an estate owner passes away leaving a surviving minor…

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Will vs. Living Trust: What is the Difference?

How will your assets be managed after you die? Wills…

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Top 3 Benefits of a Living Trust

It’s understandable why so many people avoid thinking about their…

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What to do After a Dog Bite

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…

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Is Your Workers’ Comp Claim a Third-Party Personal Injury Claim, Too?

When you’re injured on the job, the most immediate course…

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