Trucks play a vital role in transporting goods across vast distances, and with the heavy presence of these vehicles on roadways, accidents occur due to driver-related issues and environmental challenges. A California truck accident lawyer can offer support if you are experiencing the challenging aftermath of a truck accident.
In an attempt to create safer roads for drivers and pedestrians, it is important to review the common causes of truck accidents. By doing so, drivers can learn from common mistakes, ensure alignment with local laws and regulations, and prevent future accidents from occurring. Below are the most common causes of truck accidents:
Truck accidents often result from a combination of factors, but this should not discourage drivers from taking the utmost responsibility in the operation of their vehicles. There are continual efforts made to improve driver training, technology, and safety regulations to reduce the incident rate of truck accidents.
There are, on average, 14,000 truck accidents a year, with over 400 of these accidents tragically resulting in fatalities and over 4,000 leading to serious injuries. In 2020, California was the state in which the most non-occupants were killed in truck accidents. Trucks made up 7.3% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes that same year.
Because trucks are involved in so many fatal accidents, there is an urgent need for California truck drivers to understand how to properly operate their large vehicles and remain aware of their overall role in keeping local roads safe. If your loved one was the victim of such an accident, you could recoup damages by filing a wrongful death claim. With this type of claim, plaintiffs can pursue compensation for funeral and burial expenses, lost income, and medical expenses, among other damages.
A: The main cause of truck accidents in California, but also across the nation, is driver errors. Driver errors encompass a large range of issues, such as distraction, speeding, fatigue, and impaired driving. These factors directly impact a truck driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle. Fatigue is generally highlighted as a major concern in the trucking industry, as drivers are often working long hours with demanding schedules.
A: Rear-end collisions are the most frequent type of vehicle accident in the trucking industry. Rear-end collisions make up over 23% of all truck-involving accidents. The large weight and size of trucks mean that these vehicles require longer stopping distances than most smaller vehicles. Therefore, many rear-end collisions involving trucks occur due to the truck’s inability to stop quickly.
A: Around 57% of fatal truck accidents happen in rural areas, and the second highest location for fatal accidents, at around 25%, is on interstate highways. Several factors contribute to the high rate of truck accidents in rural areas. Rural roads can have less maintenance, traffic, and street lights, making the driving conditions less straightforward than urban and highway driving.
A: A common injury for truck drivers is musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of the back, neck, and upper extremities. These injuries are often caused by the overexertion of drivers when loading and unloading the truck. Truckers also risk falling from the high elevation of their trucks. These falls typically lead to back and knee sprains.
If you have been impacted by a truck accident and are seeking legal counsel for your next steps, Belgum, Fry & Van Allen are available to support you. Our team of California-based truck accident lawyers can offer you quality support and advice throughout the legal process.
We are familiar with local California laws and regulations related to vehicle accidents. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we can advocate for your rights and negotiate an optimal outcome for your claim. Contact us today for a consultation.