Large commercial trucks are common on California roads, and these vehicles are essential parts of the US economy every day. Many communities across the country rely on commercial trucks to deliver the goods they use every day, and truck drivers face incredible pressure to complete their routes as efficiently as possible.
Unfortunately, large commercial trucks are not only essential but also inherently dangerous because of their size and weight. When truck accidents happen, drivers involved in these incidents often suffer extreme injuries, some of which are life-threatening.
If you or a loved one recently suffered injuries and economic losses from a truck accident that was not your fault, you potentially face a challenging road to recovery. You may struggle to determine who is to blame for the accident, and you may not know the full scope of damages you can secure from the at-fault parties. A Glendora, CA truck accident attorney is the ideal asset in this situation.
Many people who experience vehicle accidents like car, motorcycle, assume they can navigate their cases without legal representation. However, this is rarely true, and even a seemingly straightforward truck accident claim can pose several complex problems to the injured drivers involved in the accident. In addition, some truck accident victims will suffer life-changing injuries, and attempting to manage a civil claim in their condition immediately following a truck accident would be unrealistic. Working with an experienced Glendora, CA truck accident attorney not only makes your recovery process much faster and more efficient but also allows you to rest with peace of mind because capable and trustworthy legal professionals will manage your claim.
The attorneys of Belgum, Fry & Van Allen have extensive experience representing Glendora, CA clients in a wide range of complex personal injury claims, including those pertaining to truck accidents. We understand the questions of liability that these victims often face and the legal challenges they encounter as they work toward recovering their losses. Instead of attempting to manage your case alone while recovering from your injury and risking your recovery on procedural technicalities, have a Glendora, CA truck accident attorney represent you and secure compensation on your behalf.
When a commercial truck driver causes an accident with another driver, the subsequent legal proceedings are likely to be more complex than they would for a standard car accident claim. Liability is often a complex issue in truck accident cases, and a truck accident can implicate more than one party as liable for the resulting damages. The legal concept of vicarious liability can come into play when a trucking company or other organization bears fault for the actions of a truck driver in their employ.
For example, if a truck driver causes an accident because they were under the influence of alcohol while driving their truck, they would typically face sole liability for the incident under California’s DUI laws. However, if they had a known legal record of DUI violations and their employer never conducted an appropriate background check before assigning them work, the employer would be vicariously liable for the accident.
Some of the most commonly cited causes of truck accidents in California include:
Your Glendora, CA truck accident attorney can help you determine the exact cause of your recent truck accident, and in doing so, they can reveal the party or parties responsible for your damages.
The first step in recovering from a truck accident is usually filing an auto insurance claim. Trucking companies and truck drivers typically have robust insurance policies, but there is no guarantee that you will secure maximum compensation for your damages through insurance alone. Your Glendora, CA truck accident attorney will assist you in filing your insurance claim, and they will help you build a personal injury case against the party responsible for your accident if insurance isn’t enough to fully cover your losses.
California’s personal injury statutes allow injured victims to seek compensation for all damages they suffer due to the actions of others. Therefore, seeing a doctor immediately after an accident is crucial; your medical care team can provide you with a detailed report of the full scope of your injuries. You will need this medical report to secure appropriate compensation for your damages, but your Glendora, CA truck accident lawyer can potentially help you secure more than just compensation for your medical expenses.
In California, a personal injury plaintiff has the right to claim compensation for short and long-term medical costs, lost income, lost earning potential, and property damage. Auto insurance may cover a portion of these losses, but a personal injury claim can help the victim recover compensation for anything that insurance doesn’t cover. The plaintiff also has the right to claim compensation for pain and suffering. California state law places no limits on the amount of pain and suffering compensation a personal injury plaintiff can include in their claim.
Truck accidents are serious vehicle accidents that often result in significantly worse damages than passenger vehicle accidents. Additionally, it can sometimes be challenging to prove liability for these incidents. Therefore, if you or a loved one has recently sustained injuries in a truck accident that someone else caused, you need legal counsel you can trust to secure compensation for your losses.
The attorneys at Belgum, Fry & Van Allen have years of experience representing clients in Glendora, CA in many personal injury cases, including those pertaining to truck accidents. We understand the legal challenges you face as you seek compensation for your damages and provide the representation you need to approach your case confidently.
If you are ready to discuss your case with an experienced Glendora, CA truck accident attorney, contact Belgum, Fry & Van Allen, today to schedule your consultation with our team.