Los Angeles Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

top los angeles drunk driving accident lawyer

Los Angeles Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

The physical, emotional, and financial aftermath of a drunk driving accident can be more than just overwhelming. From new medical bills piling up to increased insurance premiums and the inability to work, you may be unsure of what to do after being involved in a devastating accident. Luckily, a compassionate Los Angeles drunk driving accident lawyer from our firm can advocate for your rights and help you hold reckless parties accountable for the harm they’ve done.

Choose Belgum, Fry & Van Allen After a Los Angeles Drunk Driving Accident

Drunk driving accidents can cause severe and long-lasting personal injuries, permanent disabilities, and even death. At Belgum, Fry & Van Allen, we have dedicated our careers to helping California residents who have been harmed by drunk drivers. We understand the devastating impact these drunk driving car accidents can have on both you and your family and are prepared to fight for justice on your behalf. For aggressive representation after a drunk driving accident, reach out to our firm today.

What to Do After Being Hit by a Drunk Driver in Los Angeles

The aftermath of a drunk driving accident in Los Angeles is often a traumatic time and can leave victims feeling disoriented and confused. During and after an accident, it is important to take certain steps quickly, as these actions can impact your overall safety and the outcome of a future claim.

These steps include the following:

  • Move Yourself Somewhere Safe: At the scene of a drunk driving accident, your health and safety should be your top priorities. If you are able to do so, move yourself to a place of safety so that you can be out of the way of any oncoming traffic. If anyone else near you is injured but is still able to move on their own, help them get to safety as well.
  • Call 911: It is then important that you call for both the police and emergency medical services. Even if you do not think you are seriously injured, it is important that medical personnel report to the scene to ensure your safety and document any injuries. Plus, reports from medical personnel and law enforcement can help you build a strong case in the future.
  • Obtain Evidence: There are several forms of evidence you will want to collect at the scene of an accident if you are able. This can include taking photos or videos of the vehicles involved in the accident, the scene of the accident itself, and any visible injuries on yourself or other passengers in your vehicle.
  • Exchange Contact Information: If you are physically able to, it is important to gather contact information from other drivers involved in the accident and from any possible eyewitnesses. Try to remain as calm and polite as possible and do not discuss the specifics of the accident or any kind of fault during this time.
  • Contact a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney: Finally, it is vital that you contact an attorney who can review your case, determine the overall value of your claim, and help you file said claim against the negligent drunk driver and their insurance company. Your attorney can ensure that your rights are protected as you pursue the maximum amount of compensation available.

Common Injuries Suffered in California Drunk Driving Accidents

When a drunk driver operates a vehicle, their reaction skills and judgment are impaired, ultimately making it easier to cause accidents.

The most common injuries seen in California drunk driving accidents include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Whiplash and other injuries to the neck
  • Amputations
  • Internal organ damage
  • Severe burns, cuts, and lacerations

Drunk Driving Accident FAQs

Q: How Much Can You Expect to Receive From a Drunk Driving Accident Settlement in California?

A: In order to determine the full amount of compensation you may be entitled to in a drunk driving accident settlement, it is important to hire an attorney who can review the unique details of your case. There are several forms of compensation you may be entitled to in a settlement when the at-fault driver was driving drunk. This can include compensation for medical debt, lost wages, pain and suffering, wrongful death damages, and punitive damages.

Q: Why Should You Call the Police to a Drunk Driving Accident Scene in California?

A: No matter how severe the accident, it is crucial that police are called to the scene of a drunk driving accident. They can help investigate the scene and gather evidence that can support your future claim. Law enforcement can also secure the scene, ensure the safety of everyone involved, conduct sobriety tests, and file an official report.

Q: What Parties Can Be Held Liable in a Drunk Driving Accident?

A: In most cases, the driver who was operating their vehicle under the influence of alcohol can be held liable for the drunk driving accident. However, there may be other parties involved who can bear some kind of liability, depending on the circumstances. These parties can include the parents of teenage drivers, hosts of private parties, bars or clubs, and even restaurants.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Settle a Drunk Driving Accident Claim in Los Angeles?

A: It can be difficult to offer an exact timeline as to how long it might take for your claim to settle. This is due to the fact that there are several variables involved in these cases that can impact the overall time frame. These include the availability of the courts and of evidence, the severity of your injuries and your recovery time, and the cooperation of the involved parties.

Speak With a Compassionate Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Today

At Belgum, Fry & Van Allen, we understand how difficult it can be to deal with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident. Our compassionate, skilled attorneys are dedicated to helping Los Angeles residents hold drunk drivers accountable and can work to secure the damages you are rightfully owed. Contact our offices today to learn more about how we can assist you with a drunk driving accident claim.

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